A different kind of year…
June 15, 2020Who could have predicted that Twillingate, this picturesque island of ours, would be this quiet during June, traditionally one of our busiest months?
What we refer to as Iceberg Season is usually a big draw for visitors. But, so far this year there have been almost no visitors and very few icebergs.
With our provincial borders locked down due to Covid-19, this is an opportunity for many to enjoy a Newfoundland staycation, or “baycation” as some folks started to call it!
To our guests who are missing their Twillingate vacation this year…
It has been a difficult year for everyone and tourism operators in smaller communities are no exception.
Our hearts go out to every guest who had to cancel a much anticipated vacation.
We all look forward to our vacations with great excitement and as we say in Newfoundland, “we have no accidental tourists” visiting us.
We hope that we’ll be able to see each other soon.
A random act of kindness
It has been an incredibly difficult time but also a time that has shown the best of humanity! We’d like to share one good news story that happened at a time that it was most needed. A guest from another Canadian province wrote to us and explained that they had to cancel their summer reservation due to Covid-19 restrictions.
The message read something like this: “We know that it is hard for your business and for your community. Unfortunately we have to cancel our vacation plans. We are by no means wealthy but we would like you to process $200 on our credit card. Please keep it or pay it forward where it is needed.”
After careful thought we replied that we were very touched and deeply appreciated the gesture. We would do as asked and would like to pay it forward to our local food bank on his behalf. The financial challenge that our business faced at that stage seemed so huge, that we believed the money would make a bigger impact if we paid it forward. This kind gesture remained one of the brightest lights as we navigated the unfolding world of Covid-19.
The new normal…
A slow return to the “new normal”

On 12 June we we opened the Anchor Inn Hotel, Hodge Premises Inn and the Blue Barrel Gallery Cafe and on the 19th of June we re-open Georgie’s Restaurant – all with new guidelines to keep you and our team safe. For now most of our guests will be Newfoundland and Labradorians who are enjoying a staycation in Twillingate this year. And we are very pleased to welcome everyone – it feels a bit like a family come-home (or rather… stay-home) year! …Or, as we say locally, having “a Time in Twillingate”.
To all our friends and guests everywhere, please stay safe and hopeful. We look forward to seeing you all soon!
Deborah, Wilma and the team at the Anchor Inn Hotel.